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Swyer syndrome with dysgerminomas: ambiguity of pathologic diagnosis

Jung-Woo Park

Affiliacja i adres do korespondencji
Curr Gynecol Oncol 2019, 17 (4), p. 189–192
DOI: 10.15557/CGO.2019.0025

Swyer syndrome – or pure gonadal dysgenesis – is one of the type of gonadal dysgenesis. The affected person suffers from primary amenorrhea, does not develop secondary sex characteristics. Seventeen-year-old girl was admitted due to right ovarian tumors of small cell carcinoma. Dysgerminoma shares several clinical and pathologic entities with small cell carcinoma. We reported a case of dysgerminoma in Swyer syndrome with pathologic ambiguity.

Słowa kluczowe
Swyer syndrome, dysgerminoma, immunohistochemistry