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Frequency of the human papillomavirus type 16 infection during pregnancy

Adrianna Skrajna1, Agnieszka Maździarz2, Beata Śpiewankiewicz2

Affiliacja i adres do korespondencji
CURR. GYNECOL. ONCOL. 2012, 10 (2), p. 109-115

Introduction: Among the HPV infection risk factors one can list: age, early sexual activity, frequent change of sexual partners, multiparity, low socioeconomical status, coexistence of Chlamydia trachomatis, HSV type 2, HIV infections, vitamin deficiencies, smoking cigarettes, using hormonal contraceptives, immune system disorders and also pregnancy. The aim of the study is the assessment of human papillomavirus infection frequency in the course of pregnancy, particularly with attention to HPV type 16 infection. Material and methods: The study included 242 pregnant women who in the years 2004-2008 were treated in the Pathology of the Pregnancy Ward and Gynecologic-Obstetric Outpatient Clinic in the Voivodal Brodnowski Hospital. The patients included to the study had had cervical smear test performed by PCR method for HPV. Results: In the examined group of 242 pregnant patients human papillomavirus was isolated from 150 (62%) patients. Type 16 was stated in 87 (58%) patients. In case of normal pregnancy the presence of HPV virus was stated in 70.8% of cases (51 out of 72 women). In this group HPV type 16 comprised 61.6%. In pregnancies complicated with the symptoms of early termination the infections were stated in 99 out of 170 patients (58.2%). HPV type 16 infection was stated in 92.9% of cases. Conclusions: 1) In the analyzed material the frequency of human papillomavirus infection equaled 62%. Type 16 of virus caused 58% of these infections. 2) Regardless of the age of pregnancy and its course the percentage of cervix infections by HPV type 16 was quite significant and oscillated from 36% to 65%. 3) In patients who lost their pregnancies before 22 week of gestation, HPV type 16 was significantly more frequently isolated from miscarried tissues in comparison to its presence in cervical canal smear.

Słowa kluczowe
pregnancy, PCR, miscarriage, premature birth, human papillomavirus